Title: Bollywood, The Films! The Songs! The Stars!
Author: Amitabh Bachchan
Year: 2017
Status: purchased for Sanaa Collection 2018
Suggested by Khadija Issa Twahir, librarian Lamu Fort Museum Library
Madam Twahir would like to be able to buy books she feels are important to Lamu culture and children of Lamu. She thinks Lamu culture is more close to Indian culture. She would like to have books on Indian culture. The Lamu Ford Museum Library owns books on African Art (masks and statues of Central Africa). “You Europeans think of painting when you think of art. Lamu people are born as artists. They cook, they dance, they embroider, they weave bags and cartpets. That’s really art for me, not just oilpainting.”